Perfect Choice shout out their love of the community spirit in our area on Sunshine Radio!
The proof of the pudding is in the eating, so do we walk the walk?
We want to be closely involved in your local community because working together promotes good relationships. So if you have a project, a charity or cause you’d like us to support please email us your proposal at and we’ll see if we can help you. You can also use the contact form on the right.
Let us introduce you to a few of the people, causes, projects we have already supported.
Macmillan Cancer Care
We recently hosted a Coffee Morning to raise funds. In doing so the community spirit really shone out with so many local businesses in Ross-On-Wye contributing raffle prizes for our draw. It truly was a fine example of locals getting together for a good cause! There is a Ross-on-Wye Cancer support group that meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Ross on Wye Community Hospital in the seminar room between 4:30pm- 6:30pm. Find out more here at Macmillan – Practical Help in Your Area
Ross-On-Wye Beer and Cider Festival
Party time at one of our local festivals. A charity event organised by Ross Lions and Rotary Club.
“Drink Beer and Cider (Prosecco too) for Charity!” is their call (with a smile).
Perfect Choice sponsored this event in 2018, see what the donations were spent on here.
Encouraging all to drink responsibly at the festival.
In Their Shoes
A local charity in Ross who support parents of children with mental health concerns. Why is this such an important role? Because many parents can feel quite alone in dealing with issues they have to face and In Their Shoes provides a means to help.
See the important work they do on their Facebook page and visit their website here
Grow A Pound 
A great idea from the Church of England School Weston under Penyard to see who could grow their pound the most. The winners turned their pounds into £65 each, washing cars and received £50 from us.
We loved to see the entrepreneurial skills that this scheme revealed and the ideas that the children came up with.
Do you have a similar idea you can tell us about?
Hope Support Services 
HOPE supports young people when a close family member is diagnosed with a life threatening illness such as cancer thus providing needed practical advice and a listening ear. See their website for more information at Hope Services.
Here is an example of the help they provide. Along with students Mel and Naomi they came up with this free student ‘survival guide’ pack. It’s packed with helpful tips on how to cope with university life when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. It covers leaving home, living away, dealing with responsibilities, home visits and staying positive.
Community Larder
We also donate regularly to the Community Larder Ross on Wye. This has been set up to aid those who are facing hardships. It’s supporters range from the local and district churches, Ross Town Council, the Gazette, the Lions Club to many in the local community.
Find out more about this project and its supporters here.
Ross-On-Wye Rugby Team
Sports – Ah yes Perfect Choice just had to sponsor our Perfect Rugby team.
We had the pleasure of providing their training shirts and more recently have become a match sponsor. We were happy to see the results from Saturdays match against Cryptians, see the match report!
If you would like to follow what Ross Rugby Team are up to you can find them here.
Singer April Shipton
Perfect Choice has had the opportunity to sponsor this amazing singer-song writer.
Part of her video for the song Journey On was filmed in the Perfect Choice offices as we mentioned in a previous Blog post.
April had a fantastic response to that song and it reached #9 in the Christian Music chart.
Her latest song ‘Invincible’ is getting lots of airplay, go and check it out for yourself on her website.