Perfect Entrepreneurs at Weston-Under-Penyard

PUPILS at Weston-Under-Penyard CE School were given a chance to show their entrepreneurial skills and raise money for their school.

Pupils were given £1 by the school and asked to grow that pound over the Easter Break. The children came up with many creative ways of growing their pound, including completing chores for their family and buying materials to make and sell things for profit, such as pizza, dog biscuits and paper aeroplanes. Some pupils even set up their own stalls in the playground afterschool and sold home-made cakes, cookies and chocolate to family, pupils and members of staff.

Sponsor, Ross businesswoman Kerry Chandler of Perfect Choice told the youngsters, “this amazing initiative reminds me of the Parable of the Talents. “I really believe children should be encouraged at an early stage to develop an understanding of the business world. Many of the leading entrepreneurs are not academic but with spirit and determination achieve far greater success in their chosen field”. Perfect Choice donated vouchers totalling £50 for the highest amount raised. These were presented by Reverend David Howell to brothers Oliver and Alfie Jones who raised £65 each by washing cars.

Governor, and fundraiser, Andy Jones told the RossGazette: “This initiative has demonstrated what highly creative and talented pupils we have, and what very kind and generous families there are who continue to support us and to which we give our sincere and heartfelt thanks. This years ‘Grow a Pound’ has totalled an amazing £530”.

Recent fundraising has per-mitted the school to purchase many things, including curriculum books and most recently iPads. The ‘Friends of Weston’ School’ Commit-tee is now involved in planning the Summer Fete to be held in Weston-under-Penyard on Saturday, July 1st.